Rebecca Dainton’s Top Ten Tips on being an Effective Scrum Master – Thurs 06/17, 9:00 AM – 10:30 PM EST.

About this Event

Rebecca, a practicing Scrum Master shares her top 10 tips on being an effective Scrum Master.

Guest Speaker: Rebecca Dainton

Rebecca Dainton thrives on building high-performing Agile teams. Rebecca’s Domain is tech, with over seven years in tech and software delivery roles. As a Scrum Master, Rebecca is passionate about Scrum and working with development teams to build customer centred high-quality software products. Rebecca is an active Agilist, with her own YouTube channel ‘Candid Agile’, which is dedicated to sharing honest & frank insights into agile ways of working. Rebecca is also a mother and partner and loves to spend quality time with her family. Hobby-wise, Rebecca is a Martial Arts enthusiast and although this side of things has slowed down since becoming a mom, Rebecca still keeps her foot in the door at her local kickboxing Dojo weekly, and can still kick ‘pretty high’.

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