Overcoming the Resistances. Make your Organization Truly Agile. It Can Be Done! – Thurs 4/21, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM EST

About this Event

Advertising the agility of an organization has become a “must” worldwide, similar to the marketing focus on sustainability and the adoption of decentralized technologies.  

Quite often the executives and the managers do not fully understand the agile mindset or they do not wish to change their ways. As a consequence, the teams do not function in an agile way even though they often adopt some practices and they have their share of responsibility. We will discuss some solutions. 

Guest Speaker: Georgios Fradelos

Georgios is the founder of GF-ACCORD AI, www.gf-accord.biz 

An enterprising, agile senior IT management professional with over 11 years’ experience in the management or direction of 40 IT, Fintech, and consulting via IT projects or programs. Creating multi-cultural, agile, self-organizing, cross-functional teams of max size 25. Brought to fruition 3 entire development lifecycles of innovative AI, Big-Data consulting-oriented software on the cloud (IaaS – Digital Ocean). An Agile team member, scrum master, coach since 2005. Plus has a MSc (Cambridge), PhD (Geneva). 

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