About this Event
According to the Standish Group’s 2016 Special CHAOS Report on Digital Transformation Projects, only 34% were successful using the Modern measurement of On-Time, On-Budget, with a satisfactory result. Based on what Jim has seen in the last 5 years, today many organizations still continue to make the same mistakes that lead to same failed organizational transformations of the past.
In this session, we will discuss the key facets of organization transformation touching not just on the responsibilities of the technical side but more importantly the overlooked responsibilities on the business side. We will address:
- Leadership/Management and the required level of commitment
- Business/Operations and their required level of commitment
- Training at all levels: Leadership, Management, Business, and IT
- Transition Strategy that is realistic and executable
- Sustainment to ensure transition stability of the change in organization’s way of working.
Guest Speaker: Jim Sywilok
Jim Sywilok is an IT professional with over 25 years of progressive technical and business experience and holds Certifications in Enterprise Agility and Coaching Agile Transitions. During his career he had the rare opportunity to work on both sides of many organizations. He has seen firsthand the subtle disconnect within companies between their technical side and the business side which has often led to frustration and mistrust on both sides. He has seen instances where this also affected the relationship between the companies and their clients.
As an Agile Practitioner of 15 years, he firmly believes that Agile Transformation is an idea whose time has truly come. Given today’s business pace and the speed of technological improvements, we really have no alternative but to adapt the way we work to account for these rapid changes in our environment or fall to the wayside.
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