Bad Scaling is One of The Biggest ‘Agile Problems’ of Modern Days – Thurs 08/19, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM EST.

About this Event

Bad scaling is one of the three (the other two are: “agile tools” mania and falling a victim to big consultancies’ industrial model [see/play Dave Snowen’s view here: ] ) most expensive mistakes companies make when they set themselves on a wrong ‘agile course’. Bad scaling is one of the three corners of the “Trippe Taxation” triangle:

Bad scaling comes in the form of trivializing agility at its core, weakening agile roles, plagiarizing and relabeling someone else’s experiments and calling them ‘operating models’, copy-pasting Scrum and Scrum roles into Fractal Geometry that look great on paper. Are there better ways to work? Probably not, if the ultimate goal is to relabel existing enterprise complexity with fancy agile terminology and then call it “enterprise scaling”. But there could be better ways to work if an ultimate goal is to simplify existing complexity (de-scale), and by doing so, improve your chances to scale agile ways of working (e.g. do Scrum, by more than one team, working for the same Product Owner, on the same product, out of the same backlog) .

Guest Speaker: Gene Gendel

Gene Gendel is an organizational design specialist, agile/lean coach and trainer, consultant, and adviser to senior leadership. Almost 15 of 20+ years of his professional experience – Gene dedicated to working with companies of various sizes and lines of business, trying to help them improve internal dynamics, organizational structure, and becoming a better place to work. Gene engages at all organizational levels: senior- and mid-level management, teams, and individuals. In his work, Gene uses various methods, tools, and techniques to amplify learning by others and to ensure that people gain autonomy after Gene “coaches himself out of the job”. He is a frequent speaker, presenter, and facilitator of agile community events. Some of his specialties include Agile Transformation, lean thinking, organizational waste management, Organizational and Cultural changes, as well as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean.

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