Our Mission
The Expert Agile Club is a global community of agile professionals that have extensive expertise and experience in the application and implementation of agile practices. The goal of the club is to create unique opportunities for career exploration and development and design an environment in which the members can thrive and grow their knowledge and expertise. The Expert Agile Club coordinates many programs to assist its members grow and develop, with an emphasis on networking events, consulting panels, interview workshops, and showcase webinars.
Admission into the club is by invitation only and invitations are offered a few times every year to a select batch of agile experts and accomplished professionals that have an extensive track record or show growth potential. Existing members of the club also have the opportunity to invite 5 new professionals every year.
The Expert Agile Club doesn’t charge any membership fee and existing members are forbidden to request any form of compensation in exchange of the free invitations they are granted every year.
Our Vision

We believe in moonshots and strive for 10x advacements. We encourage our members to strive for the impossible and achieve the unthinkable and we work hard to facilitate their path to greatness.
There's no "I" in team and there's no human being that can claim his success is only his own. We believe in collaboration and communication as the ultimate means for building and growing our diverse community.
We are focused on pushing ourselves harder and faster every single day. Our aim is to learn, share, grow and become incrementally better versions of us.
Our strategy
Global coverage
We are a diverse community with a strong presence in over 20 countries around the globe. We foster and thrive in diversity.
Catered Events
We design our events to both functional and convenient to attend with a focus on maximizing value.
Continuos Development
We inspect and adapt our strategy and tactics to meet the growing demands of today's fast paced world.
Global presence
Our skills
Although not a mandatory requirement 97.5% of our members have taken formal agile training and hold at least one industry recognized agile certifications. Over 50% of the club’s members hold two or more industry recognized agile certification.

Get in touch and tell us how we may be of assistance